School Rules
School Rules and Discipline Policy
In our school, we believe that learning takes place in a caring, safe and enabling environment. We strive to foster teacher-student and peer relationships so that there is a culture of care and mutual respect in our classes, where our children learn to value one another and appreciate diversity.
Respect to Peers, School and Nation
1. National Anthem, Pledge and School Song
Students who are Singapore Citizens must sing the National Anthem and recite the Pledge. Students must recite the pledge with the right fist clenched at the heart (to the left side of their chests), as a gesture to symbolise loyalty to the nation.
Non-Singapore Citizens must stand at attention while the National Anthem is sung and the Pledge is recited.
All students are to sing the school song respectfully.
2. Personal Grooming
All students must be neat and tidy in appearance.
Hair should not be tinted, dyed nor gelled.
Fingernails should be kept short and clean. No nail polish is allowed.
Students are not allowed to wear jewellery and accessories such as necklaces, bracelets, rings. Girls are allowed to wear a pair of small and simple ear-studs.
Male students must be clean-shaven. Facial hair such as moustache, beard or side burn, is not allowed.
3. School Uniform and Attire
Every student must be neatly attired and wear their prescribed school uniform with pride. Modification to the school uniform is not allowed.
Students can come to school in their Physical Education (PE) attire on days with PAL and/or PE lessons.
Students may wear a plain black or navy-blue outer wear such as a windbreaker, sweater or cardigan in the morning. The length of their outer wear should not go beyond the hip.
4. Possession of Dangerous Weapons/Items
All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
5. Zero-tolerance Policy
The school has zero-tolerance for the following:
bullying in all forms (Physical/Social/Verbal/Cyber),
any form of defiance of towards authority,
gang-related activity (identified students will be referred to relevant authorities for investigation and follow up),
any activity that causes distress to others and/or brings disrepute to the school, including offensive and inappropriate postings in social media, and
the use of violence in any forms.
The above offences are classified as serious offences. Students will be referred to Discipline Committee and School Leaders. Students who commit these offences will be severely dealt with. Parents may be required to sign a Letter of Undertaking with the school. The consequences could include suspension and/or caning, and followed up with counselling.
Responsibility to Self and Others
6. Attendance
All students must be present in school for all school activities which includes flag-raising ceremony, lessons and school programmes.
Students who are absent without valid reasons will be regarded as having committed truancy (wilful absenteeism).
All students must support their absence from school with supporting documents, such as a medical certificate. Parents/Guardians should inform their child’s/ward’s form teachers on their child’s/ward’s absence.
If students are unwell, they should seek medical attention and rest at home.
Relevant supporting documents must be submitted to the form teachers when the child/ward returns to school.
Excuse letters from parents/guardians are strongly discouraged. The school permits a maximum of five letters per semester to explain their child’s/ward’s absence.
Parents/Guardians must seek approval in writing for exemption from school activities. All exemption must be supported with relevant supporting documents, if any, and will be subject to approval by school.
For safety reasons, students are not allowed to leave the school compound before any after-school programme.
7. Punctuality
Students must be punctual for Flag-raising ceremony (FRC) which begins at 7.30 am.
Students who are not with their form classes during FRC are considered late.
Students who are late must report to the security guards to have their name, class and time of arrival recorded.
Students must be punctual for all examinations. No extra time will be given for late-coming.
8. Use of Digital Devices in School
All unauthorised electronic, communication, entertainment or gaming devices capable of capturing, storing, displaying and/or transmitting visual, audio or verbal information are strongly discouraged to be brought to school.
Students are not to use smartphones and/or smartwatches, during school hours including recess, CCA and after-school programmes.
Devices, such as smartphones, smartwatches (except POSB Smart Buddy Watch) and other smart devices:
must be switched off (not just on silent mode) before stepping into the school,
must be kept in the school bags and remained out of sight during the whole duration in school,
students are not allowed to take any forms of visual or audio recordings, such as photographs or videos, within the school compound and vicinity without the school’s permission, and
can only be used at any of the three gates to contact their parents/guardians – at the main gate (Gate 1), side gate (Gate 2) or back gate (Gate 3).
Students caught breaking these rules will have their devices confiscated. Parent/Guardian must come to school to sign for the return of the device. Repeated offenders are subject to a ban of their smartphones and/or smartwatches, and other smart devices for up to one year.
The school reserves the right to confiscate and check the content of their smartphones, smartwatches and other smart device(s) if the student is deemed to have used the smart device(s) inappropriately.
Students must be responsible for their own personal belongings. They should bear responsibility for safekeeping their devices. The school will not be held accountable for any damage or loss. The school reserves the right not to conduct a search for lost items as this will result in disruptions to lessons and loss of curriculum time.
In case of emergency, parents can call the General Office at Tel: 64748805 if they need to contact their child/ward urgently. Students can also contact their parents/guardians, if necessary, by using the telephone outside the General Office.