A Caring and Enabling Environment
A Caring and Enabling Environment
At New Town, we strive for a caring and enabling school environment that is inclusive and safe. We believe that our students thrive when they experience positive emotions in their school experience.
Start It Right
Our teachers set the tone for building positive relationships with our Start It Right programme from the very first week of school. The programme begins with class bonding activities and games for students to get to know their Form Teachers, as well as their new classmates.

Class Mission Statement
Creating a class mission statement is one of the ways our teachers encourage student voices in creating a positive class culture. Students share their thoughts and ideas about the physical and emotional classroom environment that would support their learning and growing together.

Morning Connect
Form teachers focus on building trusting relationships that help our students feel connected during Morning Connect, through one-to-one conversations with students, to find out more about them as unique individuals and build a deeper connection.